Who would not be enchanted to read the Harry Potter novels by JK
Rowling? Likewise, who is not aroused to read his novel true story: The
Rainbow Troops by Andrea Hirata? You will certainly struck by the novel
Harry Potter and The Rainbow Troops were able to change the life of the
author. Harry Potter fame JK Rowling made previously considered
classless writer and are not reckoned to be a byword throughout the
world. In fact, Harry Potter is able to change the economic status of JK
Rowling who are not able to be Milliarder dollar. Likewise, The Rainbow
Troops were able to change Andrea Hirata previously unknown, but now a
prominent author in Indonesia. You too can be like JK Rowling or Andrea
Hirata. Requirement is You must have a strong interest in becoming an
author. If you have a strong interest to be the author, the book will
pave the way it is easy and practical. You will be guided step by step to realize your dream.
Kamis, 02 April 2015
Jumat, 30 Mei 2014
Love Story of Idol
Novel Love Story Of Idol sungguh menarik dan layak dibaca oleh
anak remaja. Di mana tehnik
penyajian novel ini ringan sangat cocok dengan selera anak remaja dan gaya yang ditampilkan pun cukup unik dengan mengusung gaya pop
bertutur orang Melayu Deli. Kisah
yang diangkat sangat dekat dengan kejadian yang kerapkali melanda kaum remaja.
Jalinan ceritanya sangat mengesankan, seperti kisah nyata. Harubiru lika-liku
jalinan asmara,
bagai Romeo dan Juliet. Tapi Uniknya lagi, jalinan cerita novel ini dapat
memberi berbagai inspirasi bagi pembaca mensiasati alam pikir dan kreativitas
mengembangkan diri untuk menunjukkan Ini Gue lho!!!
Sebagai remaja yang baru tumbuh, merasakan cinta yang baru bersemi, tentu
indahnya bukan main. Begitu juga yang dirasakan Ikhzan dan Tiara, kedua anak
melayu ini. Mereka berdua ini kan
lagi asyik dilanda gelombang cinta. Cinta yang bersemi pun menembus batas
perbedaan yang menyolok di antara mereka berdua.
Tapi betapa hancur hati keduanya,
ketika cinta mereka dipisahkan secara paksa oleh ayahnya Tiara. Perbedaan
derajat bagai langit dan bumi jadi alasan Wan Hamzah memisahkan hubungan Tiara
dengan Ikhzan. Apalagi, Wan Hamzah telah menjodohkan Tiara dengan Saiful.
Makanya, Tiara dengan paksa dipindahkan sekolahnya ke Medan. Di Medan Tiara dipertemukan dengan
Saiful, calon insinyur pertanian dari USU. Saiful pun lantas berusaha keras
untuk menghapus memori Ikhzan dari benak pikiran Tiara. Sebagai putri melayu
yang patuh memangku adat, Tiara terpaksa menjalani fitrahnya… Tapi hati
kecilnya masih menyimpan rindu untuk menemukan kembali bunga cintanya…
Sementara, Ikhzan berusaha bangkit
dari keterpurukan jiwanya dan tidak ingin berlarut-larut dalam kesedihan.
Apalagi, support temannya, seperti Mirza, Dody, Fachri dan Rina sangat membantu
dirinya. Rasa terhina Ikhzan membuat semangatnya membaja untuk merubah nasib.
Setelah menamatkan SMA, dia merantau. Di Medan Ikhzan merintis karier menjadi
penyanyi restoran.
Luka hati Ikhzan dan
Tiara ternyata terbuka kembali, ketika mereka secara tak sengaja saling
menyaksikan. Tiara lihat Ikhzan sudah jadi seorang penyanyi restoran dan mulai
mendapat banyak penggemar. Sedang Ikhzan saksikan Tiara berdampingan dengan
tunangannya. Mereka ingin saling meluruk dalam dekapan, melepas jejak rindu,
tapi tak sampai. Betapa pedih hati
mereka rasanya…
Ketika ada audisi Idol di Medan, Ikhzan pun tidak menyia-nyiakan
kesempatan emas ini. Ternyata atas kegigihan dan Mukjizat Tuhan, Ikhzan temukan
jalan untuk membentuk talentanya. Diapun jadi bintang yang ngetop dan beken
setelah menjadi pemenang Grand Final Indonesian Idol.
Di sini Ikhzan buktikan kekurangan bukan jadi halangan untuk maju.
Kemampuan mensiasati alam pikir dan kreativitas untuk mengenali dan
mengembangkan bakat tersembunyi mengantarkan dirinya temukan talenta yang
brilian. Ikhzan mampu meniti dan mengembangkan talenta pada jalur yang benar, makanya
jadi orang top dan beken.
samping itu, Ikhzan membuktikan untuk membuka mata, bukan harus dengan
kekerasan, tapi dengan talenta yang mengagumkan dan membuat orang bangga pada
dirinya. Bagaimana sikap Wan Hamzah melihat Ikhzan menjadi bintang top dan
selebriti? Bagaimana sikap Ikhzan sendiri terhadap Wan Hamzah dan Tiara setelah
dia menjadi orang beken? Keberhasilan Ikhzan ini, apakah juga membawa
kebahagiaannya kembali dan menemukan cintanya kembali? Atau Ikhzan menemukan
bunga cintanya yang lain.
Cinta itu tidak bisa dipaksakan. Tapi siapa yang
percaya akan kekuatan cinta, maka dia akan meraih kebahagiaan. Untuk mengetahui kisah novel inspiratif ini, Anda dapat mengklik link di bawah ini:
Kamis, 22 Mei 2014
Yeah, Gaya PDKT Bookish!!!
Bagi Ridho meraih prestasi hal biasa, tapi mengalami
jatuh cinta merupakan hal luar biasa. Bookish satu ini gitu tertarik pada Wulan.
Dia berangan, ingin jadikan Wulan ini jadi kekasihnya. Masalahnya, untuk
pedekate saja, bookish satu ini kayak mau Ujian Nasional saja. Dia sibuk amat cari magic
power dari buku pintar.
Tapi Ridho ketemu
batunya, ternyata cewek yang didekatinya itu sudah malang melintang di dunia
percowokan. Makanya, ketika cowok lugu ini masang aksi, dia pun ingin
mempermainkannya. Di satu sisi dia ingin memanfaatkan kepintaran Ridho. Jadilah
mereka adu kemampuan untuk memikat satu sama lain. Hasilnya tau sendirilah
mereka jadian. Sejurus kelebihan dan keunikan berkat magic power yang
diperolehnya dari buku pintar, Ridho mampu membentuk charisma dirinya. Dia
ternyata benar-benar menakhlukkan hati Wulan. Ridho di matanya cowok yang
Tapi usaha Ridho
menjalin kasih dengan Wulan ditentang habis temannya sendiri. Mereka merasa tak
rela kalau Ridho jatuh ke dalam pelukan cewek tidak bener, seperti Wulan.
Mereka tahu siapa Wulan. Wulan mereka anggap cewek brengsek salah gaul.
Berbagai cara mereka lakukan untuk memisahkan jalinan kasih Ridho dengan Wulan.
Untuk menekan Ridho menjauhi Wulan, puncaknya mereka mogok mentas pagelaran
Seni dan Budaya Dies Natalis Perguruan yang jadi tanggung-jawabnya Ridho.
Akibat mogok mentas mereka, Ridho pun jadi kalang-kabut dan reputasinya pun
dipertaruhkan di kampus.
Di samping itu,
jalinan kasih Ridho denganWulan juga mendapat benturan lain, karena Ello,
manta pacar Wulan tak rela melepaskan Wulan. Dia pun berusaha keras menjauhkan
Wulan dari Ridho. Dia pun menekan Wulan dengan mengancam membeberkan kisah
asmara mereka di internet. Terlebih dia punya foto affair khusus bersama Wulan.
Wulan tak berdaya… Namun, dia masih beruntung mendapat bantuan gank Harley
Davidson balik menekan Ello.
Ridho tahu siapa sebenarnya Wulan, malah Ridho dengan penuh haru semakin
berusaha keras mempertahankan tekadnya untuk mengangkat Wulan dari kenistaan. Untuk
itu, Ridho pun didukung penuh Susanna, sahabat sejatinya. Bagaimana,
berhasilkan Ridho wujudkan angannya? Created By Hendra Surya.Buku digital novel ini dirilis oleh google play store dan Anda dapat mendownloadnya pada link di bawah ini:
Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013
How To Learn A Genius?
How to learn a genius?! Sure you may be curious
to read the title of this book, is not it?
However, the title
of the statement is not a mere figment. If you
learn history of Thomas Alva Edison, even
though he only taught himself unable to find any new discoveries that can change human civilization. James Watt was the inventor of the steam
engine and the industrial
revolution began. Isaac Newton, Abraham Bell,
Albert Einstein, Stephen
Hawking, Steve Jobs,
BJ Habibie gained
worldwide recognition for various inventions and bring
radical changes to the civilized humans. If
you learn, the ability of the boy wonder the
world it is not a because of
a miracle that
came from the sky,
all of a sudden the words simsalabin then
fell from the sky.
However, their ability
to earn by way of learning that smart
(intelligent) establish learning skills, so
that drove their success.
Who does not want to have to learn skills
such as the world's
boy wonder?
If you have always had difficulty or facing various obstacles in the process of learning, it is because you do not have the skills to learn (Learning Skills) the right to conduct activities (processes) of learning. But the important thing that you must remember, that being the smart, intelligent, creative, self-confident and it's actually easy. The answer to this important matter, you should learn smart (smart study), learn to move the mind to form a learning proficiency. As performed and the boy possessed magical world above.
If you have always had difficulty or facing various obstacles in the process of learning, it is because you do not have the skills to learn (Learning Skills) the right to conduct activities (processes) of learning. But the important thing that you must remember, that being the smart, intelligent, creative, self-confident and it's actually easy. The answer to this important matter, you should learn smart (smart study), learn to move the mind to form a learning proficiency. As performed and the boy possessed magical world above.
Of course you would also love to learn with feelings of joy, is
not it? If teachers / lecturers to explain
the lesson, then you were "direct connect"
and easy to understand
what it describes. You also linger focus on the lesson. The
problem is, how to realize these
hopes become a reality?
Guide book "How To Learn a Genius/Cara Belajar Orang Genius" this will help you acquire the skills
learned with smart,
practical and effective.
If you are able
to master the skills presented
study this manual will form learning skills,
making it easier for you to students who excel
and have a
quality not inferior competence
of the child
prodigy the world above. Inside this
manual contains instructions that
guide you:
- Find a way to learn smart, practical and effective,
- Finding the steps how to open the mind, directs thoughts, making a framework for thinking step by step,
- Creative-innovative in developing competency yourself,
- Develop your learning methodologies,
- Finding solutions to problemsthat impede you tobe able to perform learning activitiesby recognizing, identifying and analyzing the formof barriers that interfere withthe learning process.
Well, overall the book gives instructions
to you, as follows:
In this chapter, contains technical
instructions to move the mind in learning that smart, effective thinking,
how to develop behavioral
or psycho motor becomes student who has a
strong character and
superior competence. The Directive covers methods (skills) how the steps
how to open the mind, directing (herding) mind,
making a framework for thinking step by step, to develop creative imagination in
the process activities (learning).
In short, you are guided in this chapter how
the process of how to prepare the mind in learning
or doing something
practical and effective,
thus forming learning skills you. If you can master the Learning
Skills (study skills), then you will have the skills to
learn, so the learning can be done easily and
maximize your intelligence
to master the lesson.
2. GUIDE LEARN (Learning Guide)
In this chapter, provides instructions or guidelines on how to organize learning activities that smart, which is preparing measures that are practical and effective learning.
Instructions how to make learning an exciting
and memorable activities.
The instructions include
how to build a strategy
of learning readiness, learning creates a mood,
set a goal to be achieved, building a reasoning process
(revive, control reasoning)
and leads the
process of learning in a
practical and effective, so as to optimize learning
In this chapter, described the
fact that makes it difficult to concentrate on studies.
Various learning impaired
concentration, and instructions
how to build the concentration
of learning.
OF MIND (Writing Strategies
and Making Notes)
In this chapter provides instructions for how to write or take notes effectively thought
of painting the mind, without having to disrupt the rhythm of
reasoning when learning.
This technique can
be a source driving
the creation of depth reasoning as to maintain and improve
the focus of attention and concentration while studying, either self-study
or study under the guidance of teachers. Painting the mind can be a picture, or visualize
the schematic framework in the understanding of acquired knowledge and facilitate in reviewing the experience and knowledge of the
understanding that has been
gained in times
of need. Also, the ability
to paint the mind can be a practical
guide in planning activities to
be carried out effectively.
In this chapter contains instructions
on how to build a spirit of learning,
how to develop the
discipline to learn and how to organize
study time effectively.
In this chapter revealed, how
to learn to make people be creative. Knowledge
about the benefits of creative thinking.
Instructions stages of the creative thinking process
and managed to be the inventor or creator.
Instructions how to overcome obstacles of all kinds are a barrier creative
thinking and strategy development measures creative
LEARNING (Critical Thinking)
In this chapter, provides instructions for how to improve the quality
of higher level thinking skills through critical thinking. The guidelines include the definition of
Critical Thinking, the characteristics of critical thinking, the characteristics of
critical thinkers, critical thinkers
developed properties, the benefits of critical thinking, the reasons why choosing
critical thinking, critical thinking
barriers, measures of critical thinking and how to train thinking
8. Learns to generate
In this chapter, contains instructions
on how to form a winning
mentality and raise boost achievement. Instructions
include how to stimulate
raising the aspirations and ambitions of
achievement as well as the indomitable spirit of a
fighter. So that the
self-motivated learner continues to build a
road or a master
mind to be
something to its conclusion. And even more essential in the
self-conscious student learning, so that learning
is done with the full
solution of excitement for learning.
This chapter explains why people find it difficult to be active listeners and
reveals the source
of the problem is difficult
to be an active listener.
Also, instructions effective measures to actively learn to be a listener
in order to obtain information intact and
capable of learning.
(Study Group)
This chapter explains the benefits of collaborative learning,
collaborative learning objectives
and instructions for effective collaborative learning.
This chapter explains the instructions
how to take an exam.
In this chapter reveals how
the influence of emotions in learning, explaining the role of emotional intelligence in giving opportunities and flexibility IQ
develop optimally. So also contains instructions on how to improve emotional intelligence.
Used systematically
reviewing the book is quite simple and easily
understood by you. This book is presented
not as a general reference book on
mere theoretical nature, but reveal things real,
practical and effective and has a case.
Obviously, once you are able to understand and to practice the
instructions in this book, then
you also know the way to learn how to do
practical and effective.
Therefore, there is no longer any reason for you to say it was difficult to learn.
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