Kamis, 04 April 2019



As a parent, of course you are very overwhelmed to face a child who is very stubborn and can not be quiet, even very unruly. If left for a while, the child has made a mess of the whole house. Sometimes your chest is made to pound fast, when the child plays with items that are easily broken and endanger him, such as playing glasses, plates and bottles made of glass. In fact, sometimes children like to jump on chairs, beds and run around.
The thing that makes you annoyed, when the shouts and scolding, even the pinch of parents is no longer ignored by the child. Children continue to play around, like not knowing fear and fatigue. You own that made fatigue and fear continue to supervise children. You feel relieved and calm, when the child is sleeping.
This stubborn and unobtrusive child behavior by some parents, some consider normal and trivial. Because, they consider the problem a common thing in childhood and will disappear along with the development of the child's age. In fact, not infrequently the behavior of the child, actually reflects or gives an illustration of the symptoms of emotional disturbances and behavior in children that should be as early as possible get serious attention and treatment.
This child who is stubborn and can not be quiet, if you leave it in the long term, then the disorder can only be an inhibiting factor for the formation of a mature personality in the adult age of children. Likewise, this recalcitrant and indwelling child can have difficulty doing the learning process. This can happen because children will have difficulty in focusing attention and concentration of learning. As a result, children's learning achievements can be very low. You don't want this, of course, right?
To deal with this stubborn and silent child, you don't have to go directly to a psychiatrist or psychologist. If the symptoms of a recalcitrant and indwelling child are still mild, then you can still anticipate this problem yourself, so as not to develop further.
Why do children become stubborn and can't be quiet?
Children become recalcitrant and cannot remain silent, this indicates symptoms of disturbances in children's emotions and behavior. Especially this occurs in children aged under five (2-5 years). If you observe, the child continues to move and cannot remain silent following his attention, which is confined to many desires. Where the child's desires arise from the child's emotional drive for appreciation of stimuli from the environment in which the child is located.
Children become stubborn and cannot be quiet, this illustrates how children react to the environment in which children are. The child's reaction or behavior is influenced by the child's emotional attitude in responding to stimuli from his environment. Whereas what drives the emotional outbursts of the child itself is the neurobiological development of the child who is disturbed. As you know, endocrine, andrenaline and suprarenal gland glands greatly influence the emotional activity of a child (someone). Therefore, the differences contained in these glands, certainly affect the emotional development of children (someone). In addition, changes in physiology or activity of the glands are also strongly influenced by stimuli or emotional experiences of the child from the environment in which he is located.
Thus, in addition to the physical and mental development that determines the emotional maturity of children, it is also strongly influenced by social environmental factors that provide training or inner experiences in children. Physical and mental interactions of the nature of children with their environmental influences have a significant role in the development of children's emotional and attitudinal behavior. In other words, children's emotional maturity is very much needed as a basis or driver of quality children's behavior or behavior. Disruption of children's emotions, it affects the behavior of children. Children who are emotionally stable, it will be easier to concentrate and think logically, able to motivate themselves to stay focused on activities that are constructive and able to foster a harmonious relationship with the environment in which they are located.
In children who are stubborn and can not be quiet, the emotional sensitivity of children is very high, so that children are easily affected by some stimuli that appear in front of him. This child's emotional sensitivity makes it difficult for the child to focus or prioritize his attention on one focus, so that the child is easily switched.
Then you need to be aware and understand, the causative factors or triggers why children become stubborn and cannot be quiet. Now, if you study further, it turns out that children become stubborn and cannot be quiet because of several factors, namely:
Neurobiological developmental factors of children who are disrupted
Where nerve functions as receiving stimuli from the outside are unstable or hypersensitive, so that children are easily aroused by a lot of attention or switching over and the awareness that accompanies that attention is very low.
Environmental factor
In addition to children experiencing difficulties or obstacles to focus or intensify attention due to their neurobiological disorders, also environmental factors play a major role in giving a lot of emotional stimulation to children. Children's attention becomes scattered towards all aspects of stimuli that arise from the child's environment. Many aspects that tempt and attract the attention of children, so that he is aroused to explore all aspects that stimulate his attention. Where the child's attention is very difficult to stick to one aspect of attention and he is so easily switched over.
Such various stimuli affect the child's emotional sensitivity. This emotional sensitivity causes emotional shock and increases children's andrenaline activity, resulting in tremendous physical energy boost in children. This causes children to be quiet and aroused to always move to follow the object of changing attention. This scattered attention affects the emotions of children to explore all aspects of children's attention without knowing fatigue.
Food poisoning
This food poisoning can occur, especially for children with autism, so that wrong eating can cause him to be unconscious and unable to be silent (hyperactive). Foods that have a negative impact on autistic children, namely foods that contain cow's milk protein (casein) and wheat flour protein (gluten). Well, these two elements cannot be digested by their digestive system. The result is a process of accumulation of apioids or morphine-like substances known as dermophin in the body. This accumulation of substances causes the child to become unconscious and angry or hyperactive.
The worst possibilities, if these children are stubborn, cannot be quiet and unruly, are left to the fore, including:

  • Children are difficult to control.
  • Children like to behave aggressively, rebel and oppose the wishes of others.
  • Children want to win alone (do whatever they want).
  • Children have difficulty adapting to the environment in which they are located.
  • Children cannot calm down.
  • Children find it difficult to focus attention and concentration.
  • Children have difficulty thinking logically.
  • Personality of children who are not mature (not mature in thinking)
  • Child learning achievement is low.

How do you overcome a stubborn child who can't keep quiet?
Managing this recalcitrant, indolent and unruly child with a hard and fierce attitude will not help resolve the root problems faced by the child. Instead, it is necessary to take a special approach.
To overcome this neurobiological disorder or emotional disturbance, patience and effort are needed to provide intensive development training and emotional control of children. The training is intended to attract children's interest and attention, so that they are accustomed to being able to control their attention in one aspect of experience intensively and to control or direct excessive emotional energy in one aspect of constructive experience. Likewise, this training is expected to be able to increase the child's emotional maturity as the basis for forming behavior in reflecting (responding) to stimuli in front of him or how he is able to foster a harmonious relationship with the environment in which he is located.
The trainings that you can provide to overcome these stubborn, indivisible and unruly children, as follows:
  • Direct / attract children's attention in a directed manner. You can invite children to always do activities or play together that are tailored to the wishes of the child. Activities or games, of course, in accordance with the age level. The activity that you prepare must be truly an activity that can attract the attention and interest of the child. Likewise, the chosen activity is an activity that can channel the child's excessive emotional energy.
  • Train directed responses or respond. Children need to be trained how they must respond or respond to stimuli given to them. For example:
Children are asked to catch the ball.
The child is asked to put something in its place.
Children are asked to kick the ball.
Children are asked to color according to the example.
The child is asked to continue or throw the ball that was offered to him.

  • Children are trained to learn to observe (sharpen observation). To improve a child's ability to control emotions, build concentration and increase children's concentration in constructive activities, you can train children to learn to observe. For this reason, you need to create conditions that stimulate children to learn to observe. To be able to create conditions that stimulate children's observation activities, you must be actively involved in activities or games with children. The basic capital of observation activities are the functions of the five sensory devices, namely vision, hearing, palpation, smell (smelling) and tasting. Well, you can direct the child's sense tool to observe, sharpen attention and action by leading children to focus attention on one side of the activity or game. Likewise, you can stimulate the mind (concentration of children) by always asking questions that challenge the attractiveness and reasoning power of children, such as:
Asks the child to kick the ball into the goal or aim at the goalkeeper
Asks the child to make a jumping motion between the arrangement of tires or circles
Asks the child to throw the ball into the basket
Asks children to count certain objects from a group of different objects
Ask the child to taste the taste of some foods and ask about the taste of each food
How to arrange these blocks, so that they become a house shape, Aldi?
There are how many birds in the tree,
and so on.

  • Practicing children's physical kinesthetic intelligence. This recalcitrant, silent and unruly child has extraordinary physical energy. The child is very active in moving to follow his emotional impulses. To be able to direct and channel the excessive energy, the child needs practice by focusing on neutralizing or channeling this extraordinary energy in constructive activities, such as training children's physical kinesthetic intelligence. This physical kinesthetic intelligence is a combination of the ability to think and dexterity or expertise in carrying out a movement of all members of the body. To develop children's kinesthetic intelligence requires learning activities that are kinesthetic, dynamic and continuous. You can motivate children according to their interests, such as playing acting, dramatic improvisation, creative movements and all kinds of activities involving physical activities (sports). You can invite children to the playing field, obstacle course, swimming pool and gymnasium. Likewise, you can give children the opportunity to make various toy models, involved in handicraft activities, such as carving wood, drawing / painting or forming clay. You can also invite children to visit activities or sports competitions. Likewise, no less important, children can be invited to camp and involve themselves in various activities outside, such as exploring nature. These activities can channel children's physical activity and relaxation of children. Practicing physical kinesthetic intelligence is also beneficial for children to be more able to control their emotions, help ways to direct and focus attention and improve their ability to concentrate in doing various activities.
In addition, you need to explore the possible effects of food poisoning that cause or as a trigger factor for hyperactivity in this child. If you find out from your observations that there are indications of the influence of food eaten by children on these aggressive (hyperactive) behavior patterns, then you need to avoid having children consume food which is the trigger factor.
Such is the way that can be used to overcome a recalcitrant child, unable to be quiet and unruly. The key to your success in dealing with a child's behavior deviation lies in your patience and willingness to help provide effective training to children. The child's success in overcoming various obstacles in controlling emotions and fostering good behavior is your victory and happiness. 

To find out more about overcoming child behavior irregularities you can follow through the link below:

Senin, 01 April 2019

Examples of Being Successful and Rich People

To be a successful and rich person is very much determined how the person is able to build a frame of mind, see and take advantage of the golden opportunities that are around us. Examples of developing ways of thinking and acting, as well as gaining a golden opportunity can be seen from the following story.
This story starts from the inspiration of the blue lights of the journey of the leaders in the struggle for education. At that time, getting an education was not easy. Moreover, we are mostly descendants of ordinary people, laborers, and coolies. The fact to get the quality of an established life (success) is determined by intelligence, education, skills to get and take advantage of golden opportunities. To change one's life line can not rely solely on the strength of manual labor alone. Therefore, we are not willing to be said to be mental of coolies and only become manual laborers. We also have the same right to be successful people.
Here, we want to prove, we are not mental of coolies and want to change the lifeline. Enda Kiebo wants to break the family life line, which is said to be a descendant of poor bones and poor veins. But, the problem from the beginning was that he had faced Benhart the son of a Plantation Administrator who didn't want Enda Kiebo to go to school with him. Moreover, Benhart has a vicious bouncer like Ronggur who has the nickname the "Conqueror" who continues to terrorize Enda Kiebo. Fortunately, Enda Kiebo was assisted by Dream Hunters facing Benhart et al's terror, as well as Ronggur's "Conqueror".
Another advantage, Enda Kiebo has an extraordinary teacher, who is able to burn the soul and open a super-genius science that is second to none in the world to achieve dreams. Through his teachers, Enda Kiebo tried hard to unmask the dream hunter's secret.
On his way, Enda Kiebo and Yan Utama tried hard to save Sundari, almost becoming victims of Ronggur's lust. They tried to find a way for Sundari to rise from adversity and become a member of a dream hunters.
How did Enda Kiebo succeed in overcoming the obstacles of Benhart et al, or Ronggur who has the nickname the "Conqueror"? Did Enda Kiebo and Yan Utama succeed in helping Sundari? How do these extraordinary teachers galvanize Dream Hunters to master the super genius science that is second to none in the world? Did the Dream Hunters really succeed in achieving their dreams in real life? To know the answer, let's read this novel completely! Guaranteed this novel gives a lot of inspiration that is second to none in the world !!!
For instructions mentioned above, you can click the link below: