Kamis, 04 November 2021
REINHART'S Adventures on Planet Acrotus
Minggu, 26 September 2021
Jangan Paksa Aku...
Jangan Paksa Aku ini menceritakan kronologis peristiwa yang dialami Mardiana (Ana). Peristiwa tragis tersebut membuat jiwa Mardiana terpuruk dan menghancurkan jalinan cintanya.
Di sini Mardiana terjebak dengan tiga lelaki yang sama-sama menginginkan
dirinya. Ketiga lelaki ini memiliki karakter yang berbeda. Kalau dengan Gie si
playboy, Ana merasa enjoy. Dia diperlakukan berbeda dengan cewek lainnya. Berbeda
dengan Aditya yang penuh perhatian. Aditya selalu mengingatkan Mardiana dengan
bayang-bayang Hermawan, si belahan jiwanya yang telah meninggalkannya untuk
selama-lamanya. Tetapi ada cewek lain yang jadi pesaing dan sangat mengidolakan
Aditya, yaitu: Dea dan Safira. Lain lagi, Mardiana dihadapkan dengan Andrew. Cowok
psikopat ini selalu membuat Ana kesal. Bahkan, selalu membuat kejutan yang
tidak terduga pada Mardiana. Andrew seperti
orang kesetanan dan menyimpan dendam kesumat. Dia memaksa, kalau dirinya tidak
mendapatkan Ana, maka tidak seorangpun boleh mendapatkan Ana.
Mardiana pun dihadapkan pada suatu dilema dan rentetan peristiwa tragis yang tidak dapat dibayangkannya. Kini, bagaimana nasib Mardiana? Apakah dia mendapatkan harga dirinya dan kekuatan cintanya kembali?
Untuk tau jawabannya, yok baca kisahnya di link di bawah ini:
Metaformosis Anak Yang Terlihat Bodoh
Kisah ini diinspirasi oleh true story. Enda Kiebo berusaha keras agar bisa sekolah dan ingin jadi orang pintar. Tapi, masalahnya dari awal dia sudah dibully dan dihalangi oleh Benhart Cs. Apalagi, Benhart memiliki tukang pukul yang keji, bernama Ronggur si “Sang Penakhluk”. Namun, Enda Kiebo sungguh beruntung punya sahabat luarbiasa, mereka selalu siap membela tatkala datang terror Benhart Cs. Keberuntungan lain, Enda Kiebo memiliki guru yang memang guru. Guru yang mampu membakar jiwa dan memberi ilmu super genius yang tiada duanya di dunia untuk meraih mimpi. Melalui gurunya itu, Enda Kiebo berusaha keras membuka tabir rahasia cara dahsyat, metamorfosis menjadi anak genius.
Dalam perjalanannya, Enda Kiebo dan
Yan Utama berusaha bantu Sundari mengatasi kesulitannya dan menyelamatkannya dari
nafsu bejat Ronggur. Berhasilkah mereka menolong Sundari?
Bagaimana berhasilkah Enda Kiebo
mengatasi rintangan Benhart Cs? Bagaimana cara guru luarbiasa itu menggembleng muridnya agar menguasai ilmu super genius yang tiada duanya di dunia itu? Apakah mereka itu benar-benar berhasil meraih
mimpinya dalam kehidupan nyata? Untuk tau jawabannya, yok baca novel ini hingga
tuntas! Dijamin novel ini banyak memberi inspirasi yang tiada duanya di dunia!
Untuk mengikuti kisahnya dapat mengklik link di bawah ini:
Jumat, 20 Agustus 2021
The Metamorphosis of the Stupid Child
Part 1
SPIRIT. Fresh in memory, my spirit was as small as an arrow that
escaped from the bow. The spirit that burned my soul to break the chain of
colonial heritage that had enslaved my ancestors, even exposing the stigma of
being "stupid". Moreover,
what hurts and stifles the "stamp"
chest that always rings in my ears.
"You stupid, mental of coolie!"
Portrait of a country child who is not blessed and is always
underestimated by other nations. Want proof? Look at that
Indonesian workers were exported nearly 100 percent as domestic workers or
manual laborers. In fact, not a few
schoolchildren, but can only be slaves, factory workers, garden workers,
porters and other unskilled workers. I am furious! Why did it
"You have to eat good school, if you don't want to be a
coolie!" Said Mrs. Erika Purnama Panjaitan, my elementary school teacher
gave motivation.
So, I don't want to be a slave later.
"I don't want to be stupid, mental coolie! I also don't want to be a part of the
coolies nation! " "I want to prove it, I can!"
But at that time, when I was little. I
braced myself halfway in the hot sun that burned my skin. My face was so tense,
my chest was beating abruptly. Moreover, my heart, overwhelmed by feelings of nervousness in pursuing hope. I am not alone in hunting, crowds of people my age, not
even a few parents accompany their hopeful sons through the gates of dream
state schools. Not a few also showed a tired expression on their faces, they
seemed to have the same great expectations as me. They do not want the embryo to inherit the
streak of the face of the same coolie with him. I was scrambling for a place
along the school corridor which felt quite long around a row of classrooms in
the form of a "U" meter. That afternoon was a very important day for
me, the opportunity as a child wanted to change the line of fate of the
descendants, after two generations in the land of Deli, exposed as a coolie.
However, suddenly I experienced a shocking event, my first obstacle.
Yeah, my fate is unfortunate! Suddenly a
muscular hand pushed my body roughly from behind. I fell over and hit a
classroom wall made of a string of hard-finned boards. My head feels sore and
hurts a lot by the classroom wall. I sat on the floor, stroking my still
painful head. I looked up halfway, looking at the person who roughly pushed me.
I was stunned to see that the person who glared immediately, returned to look
at me without feeling the least bit guilty. This person is really outrageous.
His tall, dark complexion and frightening face. He was dressed in a tight black
t-shirt showing his muscular body, like a bouncer that had shaken my little
heart. That person, I saw escorting a white boy, his eyes were bluish. I had a
crush on his age, of the same my age.
The boy with his arrogant gaze, looked half harass.
"Huh ... feel it, yell!" He
snorted sarcastically. Then, he rebuked roughly, "You don't deserve to be
here, you know!"
Dap! The child's insulting words
immediately hit my solar plexus, it felt pain absurdly! Especially seeing him
close his nostrils with the back of his index finger, like seeing a piece of
rubbish on me, as soon as he passed in front of me. Who is not hot, insulted
like that? My blood boiled over. Then, I saw a cynical
glance and scorn with which adorn the face of the child. Huh! My teeth are rattling, holding out
furiously. I want to squeeze the lips to give lessons, so that the vanity of
children who do not know the custom is lost. My desire is burning in my heart.
But, I flinched, realizing... At that time, suddenly a moment flashed through
my memory. I imagined the face of my religious teacher, Ms. Romlah Rangkuti at
SDN 120 Pulo Brayan Darat whose smile was soothing and breathed in a heart of
peace when saying:
that person must be able to fight anger and desire by patiently adorning the
heart. For those who are patient, heaven awaits them. "
Plus, seeing the muscular looking wire
guard and looking for the face made me think twice. So, I was forced to be able
to restrain myself, brushed aside my anger, if I wanted to succeed in pursuing
my dreams. I thought too. This incident is nothing compared with the suffering
of my grandfather, forced labor as porters-contract, I thought. Then, I closed
my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath until my chest ballooned, then threw
it slowly to calm the turmoil of my soul's turmoil. I don't want to destroy my
dreams, just because of a trivial event like this. This is my first lesson, so
that person must be patient, if they want to succeed and become people.
A moment later, the wire-brained man I had
just seen, turned out to be the most sickening man in the world, when giving
way to the white-blooded boy.
"Please, young master!"
Yeah! A truly contrasting scene, the
violent appearance of the muscular wire man bent over, looking for the face. At
the moment, he gave way to the Caucasian boy who was unsightly. Uh, the basic
mentality of lickers, servants and lickers! Come to think of it, how many
people like this sickening man in this country ?! Disgusting, not worth
Meanwhile, the child passed by swinging
like a young king with his proud smile, moans and the way he lifted his chin
was very tedious. Especially seeing him playing with the little stick he was
carrying, huh ... really sucks.
I was stunned by the incident just now. My
eyes took turns watching the passing of a rough, tall, muscular person ... uh,
a slave and a sycophant mentality and an arrogant boy in a white short-sleeved
shirt with a black vest, white shorts and shoes like Reebok which I couldn't
buy. I can guess from his clothes he must be the son of a rich man.
What I don't think is, what's the
difference between the clothes I wear, it's worn and worn out by age, so it's a
symbol of degree difference so I don't deserve the same path? It turned out
that to pursue a dream was not easy, had to face collisions, like my first
obstacle. In the future, what impact and difficulties should I face? Do I have
to tumble, because of collisions like this? Ah, that's how small my courage is!
I have to keep up the spirit, round off the
determination to pursue a dream.
"You're okay, right ?!"
Suddenly my daydream was broken, when a
child who was also my age came patting my shoulder, rebuking and trying to help
by helping me get up. I was immediately moved, it turns out there are still
people who still care, I thought.
"Ah, no!" "Only my head
hurts a bit." I immediately welcomed the child's helping hand and got up.
"You don't need to be surprised at
Benhart's bodyguard's rude attitude," he said, as we faced each other.
"Oh Benhart the name of the
child!" I muttered, pointing at the proud boy.
"Not wrong! He is the son of the
Sampali Plantation Administration, "he added.
"That's right, he is so proud!
"Apparently the son of the plantation boss," I chirped, while my
hands were arguing about the dust sticking to my pants.
"Yes, that's the feudal child!"
He continued, while reminding me, "You have to be careful with him. Later,
you were made difficult and that thug was. "
"Times have changed, have been
independent, but the feudal nature of the colonial heritage still exists,"
I murmured a little angry. "In fact, proud to frighten small ones, like
the world belongs to them alone."
"Yes, times can change! But the
castration pattern, the bad nature of colonial results has become a thorn in
the flesh, difficult to change. It continues to stick in our culture. Moreover,
the nature is increasingly thick with the presence of people who do not have
dignity, who like to look face, servants like the Benhart bouncers, "said
the child.
I nodded, justifying his opinion. My goal
here is not to be in a relationship with Benhart. Although still ringing
Benhart's swear in my ear which really suffocated my chest. It made me round my
determination to pursue my dream. I want to prove, that I also have the same
right to be able to achieve a dignified dream.
Continuation of the story, please read at the link below:
Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2021
Petualangan REINHART di Dunia Lain
![]() |
Sabtu, 30 Januari 2021
Cara Belajar Orang Sukses
Mau menjadi Pintar itu gampang! Menjadi pelajar yang cerdas tentu menjadi impian setiap orang, bahkan orangtua, kakak, adik maupun saudara tentu berharap yang sama pada kita. Apalagi menjadi
pelajar yang berprestasi dan unggul. Seperti bocah ajaib pengukir sejarah dunia Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, JK Rowling (Penulis Harry Potter), Andrea Hirata (Penulis Laskar Pelangi) dan lain-lain. Atau seperti Lyodra Idol, Tiara Idol (penyanyi), mampu mewujudkan mimpi seperti dan pintarnya kayak BJ Habibie. Paling-tidak, kita punya semangat dan keberanian untuk menyontoh perilaku tokoh-tokoh tersebut meraih prestasi dalam hidup maupun kemampuan mengaktualisasikan (memunculkan) segenap potensi yang kita miliki.
Ingat, belajar di Sekolah bukan
sembarang belajar dan tanpa tujuan atau asal-asalan. Jangan pertaruhkan lamanya
waktu belajar yang Anda tempuh di sekolah dengan sia-sia, tanpa menghasilkan ilmu
maupun skills yang bermanfaat (berarti) bagi hidup Anda. Namun, Anda harus menyadari bagaimana cara belajar efektif. Juga,
Anda harus mampu mengembangkan karakter kepribadian yang kuat dan memiliki
kompetensi mumpuni yang mempunyai daya saing tinggi di era globalisasi ini.
Jika Anda selama ini selalu mengalami kesulitan atau menghadapi
berbagai hambatan dalam melakukan proses belajar, itu disebabkan karena Anda
belum memiliki cara belajar yang tepat
untuk melakukan kegiatan (proses) belajar. Tapi hal penting yang harus
Anda ingat, bahwa menjadi orang pintar, cerdas, kreatif, percaya diri dan mandiri
itu sebenarnya mudah. Untuk itu, Anda harus mau mengubah cara belajar Anda
dengan menyontoh: cara belajar orang
Untuk memahami cara belajar
orang sukses dan cara mudah belajar
tersebut, silahkan ikuti petunjuk-petunjuk yang diuraikan dalam video ini. Anda dapat mengklik link di bawah ini:
Jumat, 01 Januari 2021
10 Langkah Cara Cerdas Mengatasi Malas Belajar
Penting Buat Pelajar!
Malas!!! Mengapa sebahagian orang, kalau mau melakukan kegiatan belajar, pembawaannya berat dan malas sekali? Bagaimana dengan Anda?!
☻ Apakah
Anda pun sering kali dihinggap perasaan malas, ketika hendak melakukan kegiatan
☻ Jika
Anda disuruh memilih, apakah Anda ingin segera menghindari kegiatan belajar dan
lebih tertarik melakukan kegiatan lain yang sifatnya lebih merangsang dan
menyenangkan, seperti: bermain, bercanda, jalan-jalan ke Mall, makan atau
menonton TV, pertunjukkan dan sebagainya,
☻ Apakah
Anda juga menganggap kegiatan belajar merupakan kegiatan yang paling tidak Anda
minati dan membosankan?
Jika Anda menjawab benar, artinya Anda termasuk
orang yang rentan diserang penyakit malas belajar.
Sadarkah Anda?!
Dampak paling besar malas belajar adalah:
· Anda
dapat mengalami kegagalan dalam hidup karena Anda tidak memiliki kecakapan
· Anda
kelak mengalami kesulitan dalam mencari pekerjaan yang berkualitas.
· Mungkin
yang ada pada Anda, hanya kekuatan fisik semata.
· Kelak,
jika Anda hanya mengandalkan kekuatan fisik semata dalam hidup, maka hanya akan
membuat Anda menjadi kaum marginal
atau seorang buruh saja.
· Apakah
Anda menginginkan hanya bisa menjadi kuli
(buruh) saja nanti setelah dewasa?
· Sudah
pasti Anda tidak menginginkan cita-cita maupun impian hidup Anda dihancurkan
oleh penyakit malas belajar itu, bukan?!
Apalagi, hanya bisa jadi seorang kuli atau pegawai rendahan…
Hal penting yang harus
Anda sadari, bahwa orang suka malas belajar tentu ada penyebabnya. Karena
itu, Anda harus cermat untuk menelaah faktor-faktor yang dominan sebagai
penyebab timbulnya malas dan kesulitan belajar Anda.
Pembentukan kualitas diri Anda sangat tergantung bagaimana Anda mampu mengatasi masalah rasa malas belajar Anda.
Lantas, bagaimana cara membangun dan memotivasi kesadaran
akan pentingnya belajar dan menghalau kemalasan dalam belajar? Untuk mengetahui
lebih lanjut, silakan ikuti petunjuk video ini. Jika Anda mampu mengikuti petunjuk-petunjuk dalam video ini, maka Anda mampu mengatasi rasa malas belajar. Bahkan,
Anda akan termotivasi untuk belajar secara terarah dan berkualitas.