Selasa, 19 Maret 2019

Form of Self-Concept

You should not despair, if your child has a problem developing his behavior. You also should not be ignorant to see children having problems, especially children do not have self-confidence. You are a wise man, if you put forward to find a way out of every problem.
I am sure, you definitely want your child to grow up to be a successful person, such as the prodigy who carries out the history of the world Thomas Alva Edison, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and others. Or like Ronaldo (soccer player) and smart like Stephen Hawking. At best, your child has the enthusiasm and courage to imitate the behavior of these figures to achieve achievements in their lives and actualize all their abilities.
But now that be a problem, how to realize these hopes become a reality? If we pay attention to children having problems with their confidence. Children always complain and give up easily. If asked to do something, the child is overly afraid and feels uncertain about being able to do it. Moreover, children of courage, effort. Children do not have the courage to communicate with others. Not only that, we are often bothered with many things, because children do not have the courage to do / fulfill their own desires and needs.
Certainly it is undeniable that children who do not have self-confidence, it will hamper the development of intellectual achievement, skills and independence of children. Children become incompetent in everything. Children do not have the courage to actualize all their abilities. We certainly do not want, if children become dependent on others, especially from their parents. If children are dependent, what will happen after they grow up?
If we want to shape or enhance children's self-confidence, then we must know in advance the elements that make up that confidence, so that it is easier for us to determine the right and effective way. We need to understand this self-confidence is nothing but part of a person's personality characteristics. While the process of forming or increasing self-confidence is greatly influenced by psychological factors and technical skills that a person has.
Psychological factors forming SELF CONFIDENCE as personality characteristics are closely related to one's self-concept. This self concept is a core or important part of a person's personality development because it determines how a person behaves, thinks, acts and behaves. Through this self-concept, how does one look at himself or reflect to do an assessment or measure strength, ability, courage, meaning in all that he has. Thus, the formation of CONFIDENCE is very dependent and influenced by one's self-concept. In other words, the more solid the self-concept, the more positive the feeling of SELF CONFIDENCE.
This element of forming self-concept includes a combination of five elements, including:

  1. Self control. This self-control regulates the power or power of impulse and desire in oneself which determines ability, confidence, courage, feelings and emotions within oneself. Self-control in this self that gives a positive or negative self-concept influence. If we want strong self-control of children, we must be able to instill the importance of active thinking, positive thinking, giving aspirations and directed ambitions to children.
  2. The mood that is being experienced. These living moods are like happy, anxious, or sad. Description of the state of mood or feeling greatly affects the formation of one's power. The effect of happiness  is an energy source that increases power or self control, so the maturation of self-concept is even more steady, even the sense of CONFIDENCE is positive. Conversely, feeling depressed, sad, pessimistic, anxious, angry and upset even weighs on the heart, thus affecting, sucking or decreasing power or self control, so that the concept of self becomes negative and makes people not BELIEVE IN SELF. Therefore, we need to exhale feelings of carefree and happy children in the face of various activities or problems. We teach skills to overcome problems in children, so that they do not fall into sadness, so that they do not become moody and pessimistic. Familiarize the child to develop his smile in dealing with and working on everything, so that his chest is spacious and the reasoning process runs in full. Remember, a sweet smile can increase one's psychic energy.
  3. Physical image. A person's physical condition greatly affects his mood and self-control. If the acceptance of physical conditions is satisfactory, then the mood and self-control increase, so that the self-concept that is formed is also positive. For example, children realize their ideal body shape, so their physical image becomes positive. It is different if on the contrary, if the child sees his body shape is not ideal, then the child becomes anxious and busy thinking or regretting his physical condition. As a result, children feel inferior, anxious and so on. Here is our duty to guide children to accept the reality of their physical condition. If the physical condition cannot be repaired, then the child needs to be made aware and diverted to think of other advantages or potentials of him. Weakness on the one hand, does not mean closing the possibility of the advantages possessed by the child. If another child's potential or strength can be raised, then his image will increase. The shortcomings that exist in him are no longer a problem and no longer mean anything. Remember every human being has advantages and disadvantages. Give real examples to children, such as world leaders, artists, presenters who are CONFIDENTIAL even though their physical condition is not ideal.
  4. Social image. One element that influences the maturation of self-concept is how to assess and accept the social environment for children. Acceptance and assessment of sociable, intelligent and great children can positively enhance a child's self-concept. Conversely, the acceptance of a bad environment for children, such as children considered naughty, stupid, ugly and so on can hurt the hearts of children and is interpreted very deeply imprint on the hearts of children. The child becomes negative about himself, feels worthless or inappropriate and inferior. The child has a negative self-concept and his confidence is very weak. Therefore, the attitude of harassing and cornering children should be avoided early on.
  5. Self image

         This self image is an illustration that includes:

  • self-profile values, such as level of intelligence, social status, economy and role in the social environment,
  • ideal ideals of children who want to be achieved and how much influence the ideal figures are idolized, both those in the environment or fantasy idols,
  • self-worth (pride) towards the value of self-role in the environment.

To improve the child's self image, the child needs to be respected, we increase the value of his role in the family environment and his association. If the value of the role of the child is quite meaningful, then the concept of self is even more stable and his confidence is high.
This combination of the five elements gives an idea of ​​how self-concept is formed. By paying attention to the five elements that make up this self-concept, we can take into account the right steps to direct the formation of positive self-concepts in children to grow up in children's confidence. Preferably, the formation of the five elements of the above elements is done early, so that persistence emerges from the character and basic characteristics of the child. Because, the character and basic characteristics of children will remain in their teens.
Technical skills aspects
A thing that sometimes is unthinkable to us and becomes the core problem for some people. People experience confusion when they want to do something. Confusion is not a matter of courage to do or try, but rather lies in how the process of starting something is heavy.
For children who have difficulty starting something more because the child does not know how to arrange the way of thinking to do the process of activities to be carried out. Children have not been able to arrange the stages to carry out an activity until the activities can be realized and completed. Here is the importance of the aspect of technical skills, namely the ability to develop a framework of thinking and acting in a focused, directed and measurable step by step to carry out the activity process.

These aspects of technical skills include tactical, methodical and imaginative knowledge.

  1. Tactical. Tactical means the effort to direct the process of thinking, acting quickly and effectively in a measured and directed direction towards the object of the business target. This tactical indicates dexterity and skills in managing thoughts to act quickly and precisely in processing a stimulus that is faced. To practice this tactical knowledge by familiarizing children with observing or observing everything in detail.
  2. Methodical, Methodology implies procedures on how to move the process of reasoning and action effectively in processing the subject matter, so that it can parse, compile, weigh and solve the subject matter in the form of a pattern of action or initiative. To practice methodical knowledge, familiarize with how to analyze (parse elements), synthesize (compile) and evaluate (judge). Effective ways to train children's methodical knowledge can be done by getting used to giving a direct example in solving a problem (problem) or work or involving children directly in problem solving.
  3. Imaginative, Imaginative means creative thinking in examining and solving the problem by taking into account possible possibilities that can be raised to overcome the main problem.

Now is the time, we think about and improve the quality of interaction with children and the quality of interactions that are intentionally actualized or raised in a planned and systematic way to shape the persistence of character and nature of children from an early age. Because according to psychologists the development of character persistence and the nature of children begins to settle when children enter adolescence. Likewise, if we want children to have basic traits that support their ability to believe, then plan a pattern of constructive interaction with children from an early age.
To explore further measures, the problem of the formation and development of the child's positive self-concept, then we can learn from the book:
Greetings, I hope you get enlightenment about establishing self-confidence in your child.

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